Monday, October 8, 2012

"a blogger is the beginning of a cat lady"

i don't consider myself as a blogger. however, i would consider a cat if my allergies would let me. they won't however.

So we are 1/4 of the way through our first midterms as little 1L's! i started off on the wrong foot. like, not even a foot. i probably started off on a lower equivalent to a foot. yeah...that bad. it wasn't that i was unprepared. i was very prepared, just my little brain went in the wrong direction that it was supposed to. woopsies. luckily, they are a very tiny portion of our grades and there more or less to prepare us for finals.

so here i sit, preaching about how i bombed midterm numero uno and not preparing for midterms numero dos tres and cuatro! hmph. i tend to crack under pressure. no, no i don't. i tend to ignore any pressure exists.

i did have an triple grande iced nonfat no whip white mocha today though, so it's all good.

little things make me happy. like theeeeseee
 and this beautiful place!

all love y'all 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

happy october!

an absolute magical month, you cannot deny! around this time each year i turn rather know, burn a lot of candles, listen to quiet acoustic music, drink a lot of coffee, and wear scarves and boots...maybe read a little of one of the Brontë sisters?

someone buy me these Fryes?

i am in a rut with school. it is so incredibly redundant. i got to kick it back in gear, i just gotta. i knew this would come, just not so soon!

so what should i be for halloween? I want to be an Avatar, but i am thinking maybe i should actually be something cute this year and not weird.... well...we all know how that goes.

anyway, this chick is so fantastic. listen to her! or don't.

The road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime.
