Monday, January 27, 2014


…is ruining my life…

I'm not even going to talk about the last time i wrote on this thing. Or what has happened since October 8, 2012. A whole hail of a lot, i will tell you that.

Important Updates:

1. Blue: This creature may deceive you into believing she is a dog. She is not. She is my world. I (along with my boyfriend, Don) rescued her in July and have since revolved around her every breath. Biologically, the DNA results claim she is part bloodhound and part cocker/springer spaniel. She has filled a hole in my animal obsessed heart.

2. Don: This is my boyfriend Donald. We have been together for a year and a month now. He is obsessed with all things Miami Dolphins because his favorite animal as a child was a dolphin….. In any event, I love him.

3.  Twentysomething: Much of my life I have not wondered about anything I did not necessarily "care" about. If I was uneducated about something, I would throw my hands in the air and assume it was a product of the public school system. Now, a deep, burning desire to learn is all consuming (only 19 years into my education). I want to learn, listen, understand, and do. Take opportunities and embark on adventure. Make plans for my life and watch them change. Forgive others to find peace for myself. Develop opinions, those of my own and nobody else. Opinions based on reason; really getting to the bottom of it all.

Living in the moment has never truly been an issue for me because I have never been a planner, worrying about the future, or a moper over the past. But what has been more difficult is truly feeling emotion in the moment, whatever emotion circumstances call for.

<3 today

Monday, October 8, 2012

"a blogger is the beginning of a cat lady"

i don't consider myself as a blogger. however, i would consider a cat if my allergies would let me. they won't however.

So we are 1/4 of the way through our first midterms as little 1L's! i started off on the wrong foot. like, not even a foot. i probably started off on a lower equivalent to a foot. yeah...that bad. it wasn't that i was unprepared. i was very prepared, just my little brain went in the wrong direction that it was supposed to. woopsies. luckily, they are a very tiny portion of our grades and there more or less to prepare us for finals.

so here i sit, preaching about how i bombed midterm numero uno and not preparing for midterms numero dos tres and cuatro! hmph. i tend to crack under pressure. no, no i don't. i tend to ignore any pressure exists.

i did have an triple grande iced nonfat no whip white mocha today though, so it's all good.

little things make me happy. like theeeeseee
 and this beautiful place!

all love y'all 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

happy october!

an absolute magical month, you cannot deny! around this time each year i turn rather know, burn a lot of candles, listen to quiet acoustic music, drink a lot of coffee, and wear scarves and boots...maybe read a little of one of the Brontë sisters?

someone buy me these Fryes?

i am in a rut with school. it is so incredibly redundant. i got to kick it back in gear, i just gotta. i knew this would come, just not so soon!

so what should i be for halloween? I want to be an Avatar, but i am thinking maybe i should actually be something cute this year and not weird.... well...we all know how that goes.

anyway, this chick is so fantastic. listen to her! or don't.

The road is long, we carry on
try to have fun in the meantime.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

colored britches and good deeds

 I honestly do not care if you are all, "it's 2012, white after labor day is fine"'s one of them rules that my grandma instilled in me when i was a wee little cari. White below the belt after labor day just aint gonna happen! so i have two pairs of white jeans and decided to dye one of them. Other than the fact that my bathtub looks like a murder scene, they turned out fantastically!

a lovely roll-tide red. #obnoxiousbamafan

so in law school, everyone warns you that you have to take one day to just relax. i am sure that everyone has figured out that my social inclinations are far more pertinent than my academic. it's probably time to buckle down, but... Elle had a social life in Legally Blonde kind of...right? and i mean Charlotte School of Law is only one step down from Harvard so...( i am sure there will be hundreds of Legally Blonde references in this blog)

i am so, so blessed to have found such a fun group of girls to relax with! we literally just don't. stop. laughing. 

i am finally starting to settle in and figure out my way around!! (that is loose terminology, i still get lost in Johnson City)


Property is my least favorite class.


go forth and conquer my friends, 


Thursday, September 20, 2012

90's baby

SORRY i had a temporary mishap with uh...forgetting my password....true 4:30 a.m. is a totally brilliant time to figure it out and write a quick blog!!

i honestly feel like with school (and all of the other random things i choose to fill my time with) i have not had time to do ANYTHING. i have always glorified the term "busy" but now that i am actually decently "busy" what i would give to be "bored"... last weekend i zipped over to knoxville on friday afternoon for my brother's wedding and had a fantastic weekend. however, i just feel like ever since then i am a tiny little minnow trying to swim up the amazon river because i just have not had TIME to catch up on work!! wah wah,  i don't know.

here is the happy couple! and me and our mum of course.

i am so excited to have a sister in law now, though! finally, a cool sister.... JUST KIDDING SHELLEY I LOVE YOU. speaking of shelley, she instagrammed this picture last week...take note of the creepy man in the background...

just kidding. he isn't creepy. he just looks creepy. that's our daddy. 

after i got my face painted like that i actually wandered off because i decided that i was a fairy child and that i was no longer cari. my parents were quite used to me wandering off though, so i am sure i did not make it too far. 

anyways, i will leave you with this because i have been playing nineties music nonstop for like, two weeks now. because who is a blogger without a youtube channel? 

much love


Saturday, September 8, 2012

life as a local...

how long does it take for me to live somewhere before I am a local? I should probably learn my own zip code first, right? I am only kidding.

So we hit up Food Truck Friday in Southend last night. Some of the local cuisine stock trucks, circle up, and feed the locals! People were out in lawn chairs and picnic tables...It may sound lame, but it was really neat. and it apparently happens every friday!

we were not intelligent enough to bring lawn chairs however, so we sat on this potted plant. First meal sitting on a plant...There is a first for everything, I reckon. 

it was not easy deciding on which one to eat from! if there is ONE word in the English language to describe me, I strongly believe many of my closest friends would choose: INDECISIVE. So trying to decide which food truck to eat from! yikes... I had bbq chicken tacos from Herban Legend. I did decide pretty quickly that we would round out dinner here:

yep. It happened. Whatever. 
Twas quite the grubfest. We then participated in an "art gallery crawl" where we ended up in various art galleries. One was in a dentist's office, no lie. 

In other news, I am cutting out meat for the rest of the month! Wish me luck. I am really into the green smoothies. I bought a single serve blender which brings my state-of-the-art drink makers to a grand total of THREE. First world, my friends. 

I finally broke down and WATCHED the Hunger Games, (I refused to read it for a long time because my super cool undergrad Yale professor discouraged us higher level English majors from reading out of the mainstream. Hipster probs) and it was fantastic. I hate to love it. 

Eat green things today.


Saturday, September 1, 2012

i aint ever been nothin but a winner...

Well. The Democrats have shut down Charlotte, so we are out of school for the next week! we had the spring break jitters for the last few days...

So i drove on back to the lovely Johnson City. Glad to be here but REALLY REALLY wishing i was in Tuscaloosa today, tailgating. I am aware the game is not in Tuscaloosa, but even during away games, the city just has its own hype.

Can't even handle it.

Transition: i learned last night that i absolutely cannot drink as much as i could in college.

Off to study with the soft purr of GameDay in the background. :) :) :) oooh the glamorous life of a law student.

